Saturday, February 15, 2020

Cut worms and tomatoe plants

I have been gardening since I was a child. The best lessons came from Mom. Here is one I recall, cutworms and tomatoes.

Cutworms love to feed on stems and buds of plants mostly. I use mom's method on my tomato and pepper plants.
What we did was using cups with bottoms cut out we took our tomatoes (we started inside) dug a hole a couple inches wide and inch and half deep
placed cup in the soil allowed for a 1/4 inch of cup above ground then filled hole with water, and then tomato plant, filled with soil, watered again. You can buy cuffs for the plants today but it is still just as easy to make them, it is cheaper and recycling is always great.
Here are some items you can use. 

-Start saving those Paper towel rolls or TP rolls
-empty soup can (take the bottom off)
-cardboard curled to cup
-milk carton

-or wrap plant with paper or newspaper
-aluminum foil

Recycling yup I am smiling :) 

Gardening is just one more way that I feel mom is with me I think of her when working in, gazing at, sharing and picking veggies from my garden.

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