Monday, October 28, 2019


During the winter we ate out sometimes, as many do. I decided to save my take-home containers that one of my favs come in (Asian chicken salad from apple bees) thinking they would be perfect for my seed starters as tiny hothouses. This year I have tomatoes and green peepers starting in them. I used chopsticks from hubbies sushi take out and wrote on them what vegetable was in what container. I actually have 3 different tomatoes organic,  cherry, and a basic. Here are some photos I took Hehehe how did my fairy garden fairies get there I suppose taking care of things as usual :) love these wee ones. 

Here we have my husband's hot pepper experiment, actually mine because I am doing the work lol. So in bottle hot houses I started different types and brands of hot peppers. what I did was cut the water bottles in half poked tiny holes in the bottom and sides and I put the top half back (by squeezing the top of the bottom so it slid into top half)  and water them by removing the cap. 

Recycling is awesome! Really it is awesome I collect ideas as I browse the web. My favorites find are usually for gardens being useful or decorative,  and house decor, I also love seeing artists works. Do you recycle? Do you have any fun creative or useful Ideas?

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