DIY Candles
Updated March 2020
I love candles, and so many around me know it so I often get jar candles as gifts. I must say it is a favorite gift to receive. I enjoy crafts that are almost free or from nature, recycling, and so on. I always wanted to make candles, and now I do with wax from my old jar candles that are so low I can't really use them. So, I use that wax then clean the jars to use them as well. I didn't realize how easy it all was. Here you will find many ideas from filling, to dipping and dripping, painting, stamping, and shimmering. If you want to try candle making these are some wonderful, great ideas to get you started.
(I wrote this a few years ago for squido0 and it was added to so crafty magazine within the site this article is copyright me. LJR-Lisa)
Recycling Wax
I take my Yankee candle, or other jar candles, that are low into a small pan of water. I let it rapid boil then turn it down to medium and watch until the wax is fully melted. You can use this wax in molds, seashells, acorns, and more items, you will see a lot of ideas in this lens. What I also love is that the label peels right off of the jar and it cleans up pretty easy. I fill with bath beads, seashells, with treats, etc, and use them for gifts as well.You can also save a clean candle jar to melt any broken candles you have and melt the same way
Wonderful Candle Making Craft Ideas Links
- Pumpkin candles
- Pumpkin candles
- Cup cake candles
- Cup cake candles
- Ice candles
- Ice candles
- Candle snowballs
- Candle snowballs
- Printed candles with stamps
- printed candles with stamps
- another rubber stamping idea
- Rubber stamping idea
- Stamping letters romantic look candles
- stamping letters romantic look candles
- Beautiful Shimmer candles
- Beautiful Shimmer candles
- Another print on candles tutorial
- Another print tutorial
- Halloween Drip candle
- Halloween Drip candle
- Painted candles for fall
- Painted candles for fall
- shimmer effect for the Holidays
- Shimmer effect for the Holidays
- Halloween dripping candelabra
- Halloween dripping candelabra
Fire Starter Candles Made From Pine Cones and Acorns
- Fire starters are great fall and holiday season decorations and gifts. What is a fire starter, it is an item you place under kindling to start your fire place or wood stove. Two of my favorite decorative fire starters are pine cones and acorn caps. Here are some I made recently, please watch the great "how to" on pine cone fire starters here. Below are acorn caps, you do not dip these, instead you fill them like the seashells I did below.
Warning - fire starters are only to help start your fire in fireplaces do not use these as regular candles, when lit they can be dangerous! Seashell and Acorn Cap Candles
- Acorn caps and seashell candles are easy and fun. The acorn caps are done the same way. Here are some seashells I made recently.
How I Make Seashell Candles
I recycle wax regularly, you know how you have just a small bit at the bottom of those glass candle jars left after the wick has burned out. What I do is I half fill a small pot with water, let it come to a boil, and then turn it down to medium. I put the jar in and watch and let all the wax melt, I then make a new wick by dipping household string in the melted wax and soaking it. I then pour the melted wax into my new container, the seashell, and stand the new wick in the wax. I hold the wick in the center and in a minute it will stand on its own, and in 5 minutes your candle should have hardened enough that you can clean edges if needed and you have a beautiful seashell candle. I love using the old jars of wax because once I am done and emptied the wax, the heat also allows me to peel off the label easily, and now I have a beautiful jar and lid i can use for bath beads, or shells, or food treats, or gifts. You can do acorn caps the same way as seashells, just fill and let sit, they make great fire starters.
Other ways to hold wicks up are clothes pins and straws lay centered across the top above the wax.
What else can I fill with candle wax -Links
Here are some fun Ideas- Apples
- Apples
- Tea Cups
- Tea Cups
- Jelly mold
- Jelly mold
- aluminum foil candle
- aluminum foil candle
- using pavers for interesting design candle molds
- Using pavers for interesting design candle molds
- cute pumpkin candles
- Cute pumpkin candles
- Try wine and Champagne glasses
- Try wine and Champagne glasses
- Pumpkin, lemon, and try oranges as well
- Pumpkin, lemon, and try oranges as well
- Very cool sand candles
- very cool sand candles
- Great glass goblet candle gifts
- Great glass goblet candle gifts
- bottle caps
- bottle caps
- coconut shell
- coconut shell
Fills, embedded, & decor Links.
- Coffee bean candle
- Coffee bean candle
- seashells
- seashells
- Fall Leaf
- Fall Leaf
- bird bath centerpieces
- bird bath centerpieces
- newsprint candle jar
- Newsprint Candle
- Easy sand candles
- Easy sand candles
- Glitter pumpkin candles
- Glitter pumpkin candles
- candle in corn
- candle in corn
- Another drip Bottle idea
- Another drip Bottle idea
Types of Wax
Paraffin wax
Bees wax
Soy wax
Palm wax
Gel wax
There are so many types of wax, and so many ways to use these types of wax.
Bees wax is a natural wax which is thin and easier to mold and cut.
Paraffin wax is what most candles are made from.
Soy wax has a lower melting point and is used in container candles mostly.
Like i said I mostly recycle old candle wax but if you want to make candles from scratch you may wish to find out more information on what kid of wax would best fit your needs.
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