Last year was probably the worst summer we have ever seen for fleas. We have three dogs and they have all always tolerated the various topical flea and tick treatments very well with no side effects. I just wanted to state that upfront so there isn’t any confusion with thinking maybe we weren’t using anything. It simply was an awful season. Nothing worked, we tried different brands and we still had fleas in our house, on the dogs, on our rugs, and on our furniture. It was a nightmare. The only thing we found that worked was dusting everything with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, we dusted the dogs, the furniture, the rugs, everything. And it killed them almost immediately and kept them at bay for a week or two. But it was a never-ending battle. The dogs had to be dusted if they got wet, DE is no longer effective once wet, and if they didn’t get wet we still needed to do it every week. And let’s face it, it is very fine grain dirt basically, so we were constantly cleaning, which decreases the effectiveness.
So when Bayer announced that they were finally going to release the Seresto collars in the US we immediately bought three. We already knew about it from friends who live in Europe, it’s been used there for a while. And let me make one thing perfectly clear they are not cheap, not at all. But, they last 8 months, so it works out, in the long run, to be cheaper than topical treatments. And they don’t make your dog’s coat greasy and have no odor.
Its unique polymer matrix, i.e. plastic, very slowly releases Imidacloprid and Flumethrin to kill and repel fleas, ticks, chewing lice, controls Sarcoptic mange and is waterproof. As the collar rubs against the dog’s fur and skin it releases very low concentrations of the chemicals, which then distribute across the skin through normal movement.
One concern we had was that one of our dogs is part coonhound and so she has a very “loose skinned” neck with lots of furs. We were concerned because the instructions talk about skin contact and we thought that in order for it to work we may need to make it too tight. This turned out to not be true, it rests around her neck fairly loosely, and like I said she has a lot of furs, but it still works great.
We are close to the middle of July and I have only found 1 flea on any of the dogs and no ticks. And that flea was DEAD!
I simply cannot recommend this product any more highly, it is just wonderful, for 8 months. If your dogs tolerate regular topical flea and tick treatments I highly recommend it. Update on my Dog Sandy It was a Kidney infection and it has cleared up with antibiotics he is feeling much better-eating drinking playing ball and chasing lights around the house. We go back today to the vets for a check on things and find out about his thyroid tests I wanted to thank everyone for the comments and support when I posted the rant the other day about the vets not listening to what I had
to say and how I knew my own dog thanks again. have a great afternoon.
La Salette Shrine.
When I moved to RI, the first Christmas we were together, my husband took me right off to see the amazing light display just down the road in Mass. I was amazed, and a feeling of warmth on that chilly night filled me. Included in this post is a history of Our Lady of La Salette Shrine, videos, and photos. The Shrine is located in Attleboro, Mass. I hope you enjoy this
What are the Lights all about?
What are the Lights all about?
The Christmas Festival of Lights is La Salette's gift to God's people who wish to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Just as Christ is the Light of the World and Mary was surrounded by dazzling light when she appeared at La Salette in 1846, light is a very strong symbol in the Christian tradition.
Please visit the web site for more about Our Lady of La Salette shrine lights and events all year round
La Salette Shrine at Christmas With over 300,000 lights illuminating over 10 acres, this spectacular, inspiring event is free to everyone.
Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated.
This year's returning guest is CLOPPER THE DONKEY! He can be visited by the outdoor manger. You can read about him on his storyboards exhibited as part of our Christmas Display. You can take him home with you by visiting the gift shop and purchasing a copy of one of his books as well as a very soft and cute plush version of our favorite donkey.
Stay warm and use the trolley, or for some fun take a Christmas hayride.
You will have to see it with your own eyes to experience it!
The thousands of lights are distributed to produce a lasting impression!
The exact number of glittering lights are impossible to calculate!
The life size Crèche of Bethlehem along with "Clopper the Donkey" are some of the main attractions.
You will grasp the true Spirit of the Seasons of Advent and Christmas!
You will rediscover the priceless GIFT of faith in the Child of Bethlehem, born to be the Savior of the World even unto this day and for all time... the greatest gift of all!
Come one! Come all!we are Awaiting for your gracious response, we stand ready to help you plan your memorable visit to La Salette and its Festival of Lights.
Fr. Pat
Shrine Director
Official web page
Any La Salette story traces its beginnings to September 19, 1846 when the Blessed Mother appeared to two shepherd children at La Salette, a small hamlet in the French Alps. Through the children, she gave her message of "Reconciliation" to the world. She insisted that this message be made known to all her people. Consequently, in 1852 the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette were founded to serve as a "perpetual remembrance of Mary's merciful Apparition." In 1892 two La Salette Missionaries arrived to explore possible settlement in the New World and ultimately settled in Hartford, Connecticut. Since then the U.S.A. presence has grown to include four provinces stretching from the East coast to California, and from Wisconsin to Texas.
Meanwhile, back in Attleboro, James Solomon was gathering herbs and roots in the woods on this property for herbal remedies that he concocted and peddled. Although he was known as Dr. Solomon, he was not a medical doctor, but his dream was to build a great sanatorium on this spot where people would come to be healed of cancer. In 1894 an engineer surveyed the grounds and by March of 1901 the walls stood in place to receive the giant roof, and a local businessman pledged the necessary financial backing to complete the project. The sanatorium cost $400,000 to build!
On April 25, 1903 Solomon's "Sanatorium was dedicated and the statistics in the day" program included this information: Bricks - 475,709; windows -309; panes of glass - 3,254; fireplaces - 21; rooms - 200; electric wire - 27 miles. The order of the day included a band concert on the Attleboro Common followed by a parade from the center of town. A contemporary account describes the event: With the coming of the dark, Dr. Solomon's dream sprang to life in a great blaze of electrical splendor; 1,800 electric lights outlined the exterior of the building, while an immense searchlight mounted on the roof threw its slender, graceful finger of light over four miles.
Unfortunately, in the years to follow lack of funds resulting in changes of ownership was to form a pattern. In 1919, when the Methodist Church purchased it, the name was changed to Attleboro Springs, due to the natural spring on the grounds and it was under that name that it shut down in 1938.
In 1942 the La Salette Missionaries bought the property as a major seminary and in 1952 the construction of the Shrine was announced. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1953, marked the official opening of the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro, coinciding with the beginning of the Marian Year promulgated by Pope Pius XII. Highlights of that day included a fireworks display, an outdoor nativity scene, and the presence of 5,000 people.
Since then the outdoor nativity display has grown to the present scope of the annual Christmas Festival of Lights, which features 300,000 dazzling lights and welcomes over 500,000 pilgrims.
A tragic fire on November 5, 1999 destroyed "The Solomon's Sanatorium." The following year, the new Shrine Church of Our Lady of La Salette was dedicated on September 19, 2000.
Constant strands in the history of this Attleboro property do seem to be: dream and struggle, hope and healing, dark night of the search and bright lights pointing the way.
November 15, 2003 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops notified the shrine that it had been granted the new designation of National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette.
Music from the 50's and 60's, I loved it as much as my mom. Elvis, old country, Beatles, and more. Join me on a trip back in time, view videos from the past, as well listen and enjoy.
bringing memories some sad some good some just memories, my mom always said I know you are having good day when I hear you hum or sing and it was the same for her I think having such an early introduction to music and enjoying it as I am sure many of us have I know I am not alone but I do feel having this relationship with mom and music helped me to enjoy all music oh as I have grown old I now complain when kids drive through the streets with loud music playing in there cars that shake the ground but I will not say i hate the music I even like some of the rap I enjoy some of Eminem, and Kid Rock i also like Fergie, Mariah Carey, and Shania Twain.
Mom Loved Elvis, So Do I
I start with The King because Elvis was huge for Mom. If she had ever been able to go see him live she would have been one of those screaming teen girls. I know this for sure just from how much she loved him. I am not going to look things up for this lens, I am going to write about him through what I learned over time growing up with Mom’s love of Elvis. He soon became a passion of mine as well, I became a huge fan. I remember Mom’s tears as the white Hearse went down the fan lined streets on the news, and my tears also flowed. It was one of the too few times she cried in front of me. I recall her being upset with the rumors of drugs and hated when the body guard’s book came out. After that, she wouldn’t even take any pleasure in getting Elvis And Me, Priscilla’s book. But I did buy it to read, and I got a lot of Elvis books over the years like This Is Elvis, as well as Elvis: His Life from A to Z, and others. I had 2 Elvis tapestries and have collected Elvis dolls,. Some facts that stayed with me, hmm, well, his famous song “Teddy Bear” after it’s release he received thousands of teddy bears by mail from fans. Not only did he receive gifts, he loved and I mean loved, to give them. Not for popularity, but to see people happy and excited. He was famous for giving away cars, giving lots of them over the years.
Elvis’s mom died while he was in the service, it killed him. It hurt him so, so much because they where so close.
Elvis wouldn’t have been Elvis if not for her raising him and the poorer areas around him growing up. He would sit and sing with old African American men on their porches, and when he was finally able to sing for a record producer one of the first things Sam Phillips of Sun Records said to others in the business was this was a while kid who could sing with African American style. They loved it!
His first labels were Sun Records and then RCA. His first song was “That’s All Right Mama” by Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup. He also paved the way for the dancers of today with his uncontrollable moving about as he sang, and being accepted by Ed Sullivan allowed for the approval of the country. He danced and sang to full concerts and events, as well as TV shows, to crowds of women screaming and completely crazed, crying real tears and tugging their hair out and grabbing for him. At some point he started wearing band-aids on his fingers during concerts due to womens’ nails digging into him.
He joined the service when his call to duty came. He would have been allowed to stay home do to his fame but he wouldn’t allow it. Elvis meet Priscilla while in the army. I believe the death of his mother killed something inside him that never came back, but I believe his love for Priscilla helped him to live on. He fell in love with her right away even though she was only 14, and they where close friends. Once he left the army he couldn’t bear not seeing her and asked her parents’ permission for her to come to the states and live with him at Graceland. She would go to the best school and her parents allowed it. After she graduated they married and then had there only child Lisa Marie.
After the army Elvis did some TV appearances then he got caught in movie contracts. After a few he wanted out, he hated them but stuck to all his deals. Making several music filled stories for the screen during which he cheated on his Priscilla with girls on the set, which caused their divorce. Priscilla couldn’t stand the changes in the man she loved.
During the time Elvis was in the army and doing movies the Beatles took the world by storm. The screaming and crying girls where now screaming and crying for the four boys from Liverpool.
Elvis made a come back in 1968. It was a huge television event. Wearing his famous black leather outfit and looking sexier than ever with a few of his original band with special invitees sitting on the the steps around the stage. I have to say he was hot, LOL, but sadly I was only 2 years old when it was live. Elvis was also the first to perform live via satellite to other countries during his “Aloha from Hawaii” concert, displaying for the first time his tight white jumpsuit and his new favorite past time on stage, moves from karate. Elvis was a black belt and had even started to teach some classes.
Elvis again paved the way, the first for so much, the first to offer a different style of song that excited and was accepted by people, the first to dance in the way he felt deep down, and with Ed Sullivan’s acceptance the world started to accept as well, and the first to have a satellite concert. If it wasn’t for Elvis I wonder if the moonwalk would have come as soon as it did, or the Macarena, or disco. Michael Jackson was so similar in so many ways to Elvis, but his is another story not related to Mom’s and my love for the same music. But the biggest ways the two are similar is they brought something special to the world with there art and talent, and they both left us too soon.
Me dad and Mom
I start with The King because Elvis was huge for Mom. If she had ever been able to go see him live she would have been one of those screaming teen girls. I know this for sure just from how much she loved him. I am not going to look things up for this lens, I am going to write about him through what I learned over time growing up with Mom’s love of Elvis. He soon became a passion of mine as well, I became a huge fan. I remember Mom’s tears as the white Hearse went down the fan lined streets on the news, and my tears also flowed. It was one of the too few times she cried in front of me. I recall her being upset with the rumors of drugs, and hated when the body guard’s book came out. After that she wouldn’t even take any pleasure in getting Elvis And Me, Priscilla’s book. But I did buy it to read, and I got a lot of Elvis books over the years like This Is Elvis, as well as Elvis: His Life from A to Z, and others. I had 2 Elvis tapestries and have collected Elvis dolls,. Some facts that stayed with me, hmm, well, his famous song “Teddy Bear” after it’s release he received thousands of teddy bears by mail from fans. Not only did he receive gifts, he loved and I mean loved, to give them. Not for popularity, but to see people happy and excited. He was famous for giving away cars, giving lots of them over the years.
Elvis’s mom died while he was in the service, it killed him. It hurt him so, so much because they where so close.
Elvis wouldn’t have been Elvis if not for her raising him and the poorer areas around him growing up. He would sit and sing with old African American men on their porches, and when he was finally able to sing for a record producer one of the first things Sam Phillips of Sun Records said to others in the business was this was a while kid who could sing with African American style. They loved it!
His first labels were Sun Records and then RCA. His first song was “That’s All Right Mama” by Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup. He also paved the way for the dancers of today with his uncontrollable moving about as he sang, and being accepted by Ed Sullivan allowed for the approval of the country. He danced and sang to full concerts and events, as well as TV shows, to crowds of women screaming and completely crazed, crying real tears and tugging their hair out and grabbing for him. At some point he started wearing band-aids on his fingers during concerts due to womens’ nails digging into him.
He joined the service when his call to duty came. He would have been allowed to stay home do to his fame but he wouldn’t allow it. Elvis meet Priscilla while in the army. I believe the death of his mother killed something inside him that never came back, but I believe his love for Priscilla helped him to live on. He fell in love with her right away even though she was only 14, and they where close friends. Once he left the army he couldn’t bear not seeing her and asked her parents’ permission for her to come to the states and live with him at Graceland. She would go to the best school and her parents allowed it. After she graduated they married and then had there only child Lisa Marie.
After the army Elvis did some TV appearances then he got caught in movie contracts. After a few he wanted out, he hated them but stuck to all his deals. Making several music filled stories for the screen during which he cheated on his Priscilla with girls on the set, which caused their divorce. Priscilla couldn’t stand the changes in the man she loved.
During the time Elvis was in the army and doing movies the Beatles took the world by storm. The screaming and crying girls where now screaming and crying for the four boys from Liverpool.
Elvis made a come back in 1968. It was a huge television event. Wearing his famous black leather outfit and looking sexier than ever with a few of his original band with special invitees sitting on the the steps around the stage. I have to say he was hot, LOL, but sadly I was only 2 years old when it was live. Elvis was also the first to perform live via satellite to other countries during his “Aloha from Hawaii” concert, displaying for the first time his tight white jumpsuit and his new favorite past time on stage, moves from karate. Elvis was a black belt and had even started to teach some classes.
Elvis again paved the way, the first for so much, the first to offer a different style of song that excited and was accepted by people, the first to dance in the way he felt deep down, and with Ed Sullivan’s acceptance the world started to accept as well, and the first to have a satellite concert. If it wasn’t for Elvis I wonder if the moonwalk would have come as soon as it did, or the Macarena, or disco. Michael Jackson was so similar in so many ways to Elvis, but his is another story not related to Mom’s and my love for the same music. But the biggest ways the two are similar is they brought something special to the world with there art and talent, and they both left us too soon.
Elvis loved Christmas, he loved to see the look on friends, family, and fans face when they opened gifts. He was also known as the King of Cadillac purchased...
The Eight Tracks in The Car
I was a kid that suffered from car sickness so bad that nothing worked. I would have to get out of the car at least two times every hour we drove. On the way home I would often be too tired to get sick and would sleep instead. The only enjoyment I had during a car ride was the eight-track my parents played of Loretta Lynn and other country stars; “Hey, hey good looking, watcha got cooking..” along with others that we all sang. And whenever us kids would say we want to go home dad always came out with the only song he ever sang, most songs he whistled and he was a beautiful whistler, but when we said we want to go home he would sing “Oh how I want to go home” or rather “Show me the way to go home” the old British drinking song. He would make us laugh so hard and we would say “oh daddy, stop” LOL and block our ears. It was funny. Also when I heard the song in the movie Jaws, I couldn’t help but laugh.
I would beg mom to put on her Harper Valley PTA album. We loved to dance and sing to it, Such a fun record, it was also my first introduction to the talking guitar. I have always loved the talking guitar, and would also listen to my Mom’s old record “The Steel Guitar”. This technique has been adopted over the years and I say should be used more often, it is so much fun to listen to. The song “Mr. Harper” below, again as a child, was the first time I heard a talking guitar.
Mom enjoyed the Beatles as well, maybe not as crazy for them as Elvis, but pretty close. I used to take my hairbrush or pencil and sing Beatles hits all the time. Mom and I would dance to them often.
Mom loved Johnny Tillotson – I learned “The Rose” and “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” on the guitar. They were my first songs ever and it made her cry, not because the song is sad, but that I did it for her. I realize today, and also knew as a kid, that she played his album so loud when her and dad had an argument. Half the time I hated it because she would drink, but other times it would help her get her feelings out and would actually cheer her without needing to drink. His music always tugs at my heart and causes tears for me. Not all music memories are good, but yet are still memories.
I loved all these great artists I spoke of they still bringing memories some sad some good some just memories my mom always said I know you are having good day when i hear you hum or sing and it was the same for her I think having such an early introduction to music and enjoying it as I am sure many of us have I know I am not alone but I do feel having this relationship with mom and music helped me to enjoy all music oh as I have grown old i now complain when kids drive through the streets with loud music playing in there cars that shake the ground but I will not say i hate the music I even like some of the rap I enjoy some of Eminem, and Kid Rock i also like Fergie, Mariah Carey, and Shania Twain.
I love Cher, Elton John, Pink oh the list goes on and on mom didn’t share this she hated the heavy metal I listened to always complain how do you understand the words she did enjoy Cher and Shania Twain & she had me make her tapes of them.
During the winter we ate out sometimes, as many do. I decided to save my take-home containers that one of my favs come in (Asian chicken salad from apple bees) thinking they would be perfect for my seed starters as tiny hothouses. This year I have tomatoes and green peepers starting in them. I used chopsticks from hubbies sushi take out and wrote on them what vegetable was in what container. I actually have 3 different tomatoes organic, cherry, and a basic. Here are some photos I took Hehehe how did my fairy garden fairies get there I suppose taking care of things as usual :) love these wee ones. Here we have my husband's hot pepper experiment, actually mine because I am doing the work lol. So in bottle hot houses I started different types and brands of hot peppers. what I did was cut the water bottles in half poked tiny holes in the bottom and sides and I put the top half back (by squeezing the top of the bottom so it slid into top half) and water them by removing the cap.
Recycling is awesome! Really it is awesome I collect ideas as I browse the web. My favorites find are usually for gardens being useful or decorative, and house decor, I also love seeing artists works. Do you recycle? Do you have any fun creative or useful Ideas?
Some wonderful Facebook Groups Are out there all you do is put in your facebook search Adult coloring... And here are great links for free coloring printouts to get you started -11 free coloring pages
I hope you will also if you have a second check out my list of pencil cases and erasers with my designs on them thank you.
Coloring books for adults have become big these last couple years, When I was in my twenties a friend introduced me to poster coloring with markers beautiful unicorns and fantasy scenes on posters that had soft black areas I am sure some have seen them it was so relaxing and helped my mental health tremendously.. The books today for coloring are amazing the artist does wonderful work and I want to thank them for sharing with us all.
There are many books on the market like Dover which has been around for some time to the beautiful Enchanted Forest by Johanna Basford. My favorite is the creative Haven series. wonderful illustrations printed one per page the Back of page is blank and pages are perforated so you can remove and display in scrapbooks or frames and so on, The works are beautiful and a joy to color with pencils and crayons, Beware markers and such will leak through use a piece of paper between pages so as not to ruin the next page in the book. The images are great and the cost is even better. at Amazon from 4 to 6 bucks and they do go on sale. I also own The book I mentioned above Enchanted forest which I love for an entirely different reason it is like coloring a story and the book is so well made and a bit more expensive..
I also own Colorama books and they are also printed one per page the Back of the page is blank and pages are perforated so you can remove, some have more pages than others and they cost a little more than Creative haven. they are a mix of simple, real almost Photo drawings, and pattern images. but one I have that I really like from colorama is the Magic path. a list of books I have and ratings will be at the bottom with Amazon links. there are many books and artists now and I recommend you read reviews. Another great place to check out is facebook groups there are a lot of adult coloring groups and Pinterest has a lot of wonderful printouts and now we even have a kindle and other apps for your tablets I like the feel of real color pencils but the apps can be fun too.
Colorama HSN Cats and Kittens 4 stars The magic path= 5 stars Decorations (Mystical Circles 4 stars , Paisleys, patterns and more) 4 stars
Update 2019 one of my favorite books and art supplies currently Is Colorit they also have a great facebook page, youtube for tutorials, contests and more