Thursday, September 4, 2014

DIY Candles and Recycling Wax

DIY Candles

Updated March 2020
I love candles, and so many around me know it so I often get jar candles as gifts. I must say it is a favorite gift to receive. I enjoy crafts that are almost free or from nature, recycling, and so on. I always wanted to make candles, and now I do with wax from my old jar candles that are so low I can't really use them. So, I use that wax then clean the jars to use them as well. I didn't realize how easy it all was. Here you will find many ideas from filling, to dipping and dripping, painting, stamping, and shimmering. If you want to try candle making these are some wonderful, great ideas to get you started.

(I wrote this a few years ago for squido0 and it was added to so crafty magazine within the site this article is copyright me. LJR-Lisa)

Recycling Wax

I take my Yankee candle, or other jar candles, that are low into a small pan of water. I let it rapid boil then turn it down to medium and watch until the wax is fully melted. You can use this wax in molds, seashells, acorns, and more items, you will see a lot of ideas in this lens. What I also love is that the label peels right off of the jar and it cleans up pretty easy. I fill with bath beads, seashells, with treats, etc, and use them for gifts as well.

You can also save a clean candle jar to melt any broken candles you have and melt the same way

Wonderful Candle Making Craft Ideas Links

Pumpkin candles
Pumpkin candles
Cup cake candles
Cup cake candles
Ice candles
Ice candles
Candle snowballs
Candle snowballs
Printed candles with stamps
printed candles with stamps
another rubber stamping idea
Rubber stamping idea
Stamping letters romantic look candles
stamping letters romantic look candles
Beautiful Shimmer candles
Beautiful Shimmer candles
Another print on candles tutorial
Another print tutorial
Halloween Drip candle
Halloween Drip candle
Painted candles for fall
Painted candles for fall
shimmer effect for the Holidays
Shimmer effect for the Holidays
Halloween dripping candelabra
Halloween dripping candelabra

Fire Starter Candles Made From Pine Cones and Acorns

Fire starters are great fall and holiday season decorations and gifts. What is a fire starter, it is an item you place under kindling to start your fire place or wood stove. Two of my favorite decorative fire starters are pine cones and acorn caps. Here are some I made recently, please watch the great "how to" on pine cone fire starters here. Below are acorn caps, you do not dip these, instead you fill them like the seashells I did below.

Warning - fire starters are only to help start your fire in fireplaces do not use these as regular candles, when lit they can be dangerous!

Seashell and Acorn Cap Candles

Acorn caps and seashell candles are easy and fun. The acorn caps are done the same way. Here are some seashells I made recently.

How I Make Seashell Candles
I recycle wax regularly, you know how you have just a small bit at the bottom of those glass candle jars left after the wick has burned out. What I do is I half fill a small pot with water, let it come to a boil, and then turn it down to medium. I put the jar in and watch and let all the wax melt, I then make a new wick by dipping household string in the melted wax and soaking it. I then pour the melted wax into my new container, the seashell, and stand the new wick in the wax. I hold the wick in the center and in a minute it will stand on its own, and in 5 minutes your candle should have hardened enough that you can clean edges if needed and you have a beautiful seashell candle. I love using the old jars of wax because once I am done and emptied the wax, the heat also allows me to peel off the label easily, and now I have a beautiful jar and lid i can use for bath beads, or shells, or food treats, or gifts. You can do acorn caps the same way as seashells, just fill and let sit, they make great fire starters.

Other ways to hold wicks up are clothes pins and straws lay centered across the top above the wax.

What else can I fill with candle wax -Links 

Here are some fun Ideas
Tea Cups
Tea Cups
Jelly mold
Jelly mold
aluminum foil candle
aluminum foil candle
using pavers for interesting design candle molds
Using pavers for interesting design candle molds
cute pumpkin candles
Cute pumpkin candles
Try wine and Champagne glasses
Try wine and Champagne glasses
Pumpkin, lemon, and try oranges as well
Pumpkin, lemon, and try oranges as well
Very cool sand candles
very cool sand candles
Great glass goblet candle gifts
Great glass goblet candle gifts
bottle caps
bottle caps
coconut shell
coconut shell

Fills, embedded, & decor Links.

Coffee bean candle
Coffee bean candle
Fall Leaf
Fall Leaf
bird bath centerpieces
bird bath centerpieces
newsprint candle jar
Newsprint Candle
Easy sand candles
Easy sand candles
Glitter pumpkin candles
Glitter pumpkin candles
candle in corn
candle in corn
Another drip Bottle idea
Another drip Bottle idea

Types of Wax

Paraffin wax
Bees wax
Soy wax
Palm wax
Gel wax
There are so many types of wax, and so many ways to use these types of wax.
Bees wax is a natural wax which is thin and easier to mold and cut.
Paraffin wax is what most candles are made from.
Soy wax has a lower melting point and is used in container candles mostly.
Like i said I mostly recycle old candle wax but if you want to make candles from scratch you may wish to find out more information on what kid of wax would best fit your needs.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pine Cone Crafts

Craft ideas for pine cones. a recent winter was the worse I ever saw for pine cones. I Live In RI and my aunt lives in NH she said the same thing, she has seen nothing like this before. So with pine cones filling our yards why not collect some for crafts. I picked up a couple of hundred the other day I suppose, the ones from my deck were a bit cleaner than my muddy winter yard. This lens is full of craft Ideas for pine cones. As well as the possible reason for so many fallen cones this particular year.

(Article is by me Lisa Roy created for squidoo and added to so crafty magazine a few years back, I added this article here when squidoo went down for good)

First How To Clean Pine Cones For Crafts 

When making things with pine cones you have collected you first need to clean them. So when you get home with you freshly gathered pine cones and are ready to clean them, you have a choice between 2 methods. You can soak and wash them or you can bake them. The washing method will remove the sap, and the baking method will glaze the sap. In either case, it will get rid of any stickiness so they can easily be used in crafts.

Line large baking pans with foil. The foil protects your pans from the sap. Heat your oven to 250 degrees and bake the pine cones for at least 30 minutes. This should take care of removing the sticky sap as your pine cones will become glazed where there was any. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not leave the kitchen when you bake the pine cones because you want to keep checking on their progress. They may need a little more time or a little less depending on pine cone size and how your oven generates heat. You may even decide to raise the oven heat for a few minutes, but not by much and only when completely supervised. This baking kills any bugs or spider mites that live in them. This also allows the seeds to fall out and sap to dry up. If you want your pine cones to close up tight, try plunging them in ice cold water after baking. This should make them close up tight, they will later re-open when dry.

If you choose the wash method, the best way to clean them is in a double sink. A large laundry tub type sink works great. You will place the drain stop in your sink and lay the pine cones down inside the sink. Then you will squirt some antibacterial dish liquid soap over the pine cones and begin filling the sink with very warm water. Be generous with the soap. Let the pine cones soak for at least 20 minutes, then return to the sink and let the water out. Now you can begin rinsing them. When the pine cones are drained and you can see they don't feel sticky, then give them a good rinse. If they are still sticky, then repeat the procedure, this time using some all purpose non toxic or disinfectant household cleaner. When you are done washing the pine cones, lay them on some plastic garbage bags or grocery bags on the floor to dry. Be sure it is in an area where children or pets won't tamper with them.

If you want to use natural unpainted pine cones in your crafts, you can spray them with a multipurpose polyurethane spray. Be sure to do that outdoors, and wear protective gloves and eye-wear.

Pine Cone Air Fresheners / Potpourri 

You will need ground spices, glue, and a sponge brush

Apple Pie Spice

Paint pine cone edges with glue using the sponge brush and sprinkle with any combination of, or all of, the spices listed and then let dry.

Another way to give scents to pine cones is by using essential oils. This can be expensive, but a has a longer lasting effect, and there are many scents you can purchase. Use any oil you like, cinnamon is the type used most. Spay cones and place in sealed bag or add a few drops in a sealed plastic bag with cones and shake several times, and then let set over night.

Ideas for scented pine cones:
Add a small ribbon or twine and hang them as decoration.
Or, place in baskets with some cinnamon sticks and greens to decorate or even use as centerpieces.
Also, you can pin or glue to items. I placed and pinned some to on an old straw hat and also to my straw hanging basket in the kitchen.
Or, you can simply lace into any kind of jars as gifts or to decorate.

And click here for an air freshener idea.

I make these fire starters as candle  decorations 

Gnome, Sheep, Glitter Cones, Christmas And More 

As far back as I can remember we would collect pine cones for the holidays to make tree ornaments, the way we chose was to completely paint them either gold or silver, or to paint on glue and glitter them some, only lightly glittered to keep a natural look on tree along with the festive cones. You can see some of these done below in videos...

Fun Ideas for Pine cones 

Pine cone owl
Pine cone owl
Pine Cone Elves
Pine Cone Elves
Pine cone Turkey
Pine cone Turkey
Pine cone Reindeer
Pine cone Reindeer
Pine Cone Photo Holder
Pine Cone Photo Holder
Pine Cone Angel
Pine Cone Angel
Pine cone squirel
Pine cone squirel
Pine cone light
Pine cone light
Simple Centerpiece
Simple Centerpiece
pine cone Centerpiece
pine cone Centerpiece
Apple candles and pine cone dressing
Apple candles and pine cone dressing
Another pine cone angel
Another pine cone angel
Pine cone fruit vace
Pine cone fruit vace
Pretty pine cones and candles
Pretty pine cones and candles
Pine cone tree
Pine cone tree
Place cards
Place cards
Snow people
Snow People
Pine Cone Easter Tree
Pine Cone Easter Tree
Christmas tree cone
Christmas tree cone
Pine cone craft Ideas
Pine cone craft Ideas

Bird Feeders 

A wonderful activity to do with children.

Pets And Pine Cones 

Vet Answers

Are pine cones OK for pets?

Pine cones are not toxic unless trees are sprayed with chemicals. Some animal bedding and litter is made from shredded pine cones, and the Cat Fancier's Association recommends decorating Christmas trees with 'nontoxic' decorations such as pine cones.

However, fallen pine cones CAN harbor insects that you don't want your dog ingesting or being bitten by. They can also pose a choking hazard if your dog swallows large pieces. And a big problem is there being able to pass them if the pieces are too big. In ending as long as you supervise the pet playing with them, check for bugs, and not allow the chewing of them, then short pine cone play is OK.

Decorating not just for Christmas. A country look for your home 

Pine cones can be used to decorate your home or parties all year, whether it is place settings, hanging items, or other craft ideas. I love the country look they give to my home, just use colors that go with your home's color palette rather than Christmas ones. You can use many craft ideas, can you imagine a pine cone wreath with fresh cut seasonal flowers, roses, lilacs, etc. Use small water clips on back of the wreath to keep them fresh or perhaps use crafty items like flags on the Fourth of July, or tiny country dolls, or fruit. There are so many possibilities.

found this Great Window dressing
Click Here

Gnome, Sheep, Glitter Cones, Christmas 

As far back as I can remember we would collect pine cones for the holidays to make tree ornaments, the way we chose was to completely paint them either gold or silver, or to paint on glue and glitter them some, only lightly glittered to keep a natural look on tree along with the festive cones. You can see some of these done below in videos

.Love pine cones how about some art on items ?
Single Pine Cone Coasters
Single Pine Cone Coasters by natureby_lornakay
See other Tree Cork Coasters at zazzle

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Seashell Crafts

Seashells are a lot of fun for projects of all types, from picture frames, candles, and other home decor to creating jewelry. They can be a wonderful learning tool, create games or projects, and lessons for kids. I live In Rhode Island and shells are plentiful, but if you don't live near the shore you can also get them pretty cheap at Christmas Tree Shoppes, craft stores, and maybe even a job lot or Big Lots type store. I just love shells and figuring out ways to use them.

Images on this page are mine unless otherwise stated.
(photos and images by Castleroy-Lisa)
this article originally by me I wrote it for the squidoo site and it was added to so crafty magazine but the site went down so i re-added it here to my blog I hope you enjoy and find something you like. article copy right .

10 easy do it your self Ideas that come to mind

1 - You can buy shower curtain hooks and glue shells to them, make sure it is the side that shows when they are closed
2 - Add shells to hair items like bobbie pins, plain barrettes, and hair combs for fun hair decor
3 - Add to handles on drawers and cabinet doors
4 - Picture frames and mirror frames, you will find links below for DIY instructions
5 - Wine charms
6 - You can fill a glass container with sand, add shells and a candle, like I did in this photo
7 - You can make a night light
8 - Make a wreath
9 - Make jewelry
10 - Make candles

Seashell crafts with Debi Beard. She is just great :) I love her videos

Uploaded by SheSellsSeaShellscom on Jan 13, 2012
For more info, visit or or
This is a fun DIY craft video, how to make seashell covered letters using seashells, starfish and vintage jewelry, for more details visit her blog These decorations are affordable, a great idea for a beach wedding, beach party or party favor, or bring the coastal, beach house feel into your home.
You can also find her on Facebook at

Garden Pots

A garden, your porch, or in your home, let's decorate your flower pots. A wonderful idea found at the Martha Stewart site (Photo also from Martha Stewart page)
Martha Stewart site - seashell flower pots

More outside or porch ideas, how about wind chimes, or garland, or a big basket filled with all different sized shells.

Other ideas
-giant shells as planters
-imbed shells in homemade walks and stepping stones
-make a decorative section of your plant or flower garden, have them emptying from a silver sand pail and maybe have a succulent in another silver pail next to it, use a couple blue gazing balls laying about like bubbles for a great sea garden theme.

Or use large shells as planters for your herbs? Here is a great page with some All Crafts Planters

The Office

Ideas for the office, or home desk, for adults and kids

- Business card holder as shown
- Use a large shell as a paper weight or book ends
- Glue to pen caps or pencils
- How about decorating a wicker trash can with a few
- Or the corners of a bulletin board or the entire frame

- A delicate look to the corner of a journal, or tiny shells to create a bookmark and note cards like here. I love these at
Better Homes & Gardens Seashell Craft Ideas.

More DIY SeaShell Crafts

Maritime Tea Light Candle Centerpiece With Seashells
Maritime and Seashell Decorating Idea - Maritime Tea Light Candle Centerpiece With Seashells.
Collected seashells from the last beach vacation can be used as embellishments for this quick and easy table centerpiece for the summer.
Wind chime or party decor Garland
More Ideas wind chime or party decor Garland
Women day create a Seashell wreath
women day create a Seashell wreath
DIY Seashell Lamp
DIY Seashell Lamp very cool I have got to give this a go
DIY seashell frame
DIY seashell frame
DIY Seashell Mirror
DIY Seashell Mirror
Excellent idea DIY Seashell Napkin rings
Excellent idea DIY Seashell Napkin rings
Shell craft ideas
27 fun crafts from critters to out side party lights
DIY Shell Jewlery
DIY Shell Jewlery
Seashell Jewelry Chokers
Seashell Jewelry Chokers
Seashell jewelry Pendant
Seashell jewelry Pendant
Seashell Angels
Seashell Angels
Craftberry seashell ideas and DIY
Craftberry seashell ideas and DIY
DIY Seashell bottle toppers
DIY Seashell bottle toppers
another great seashell candle Idea
another great seashell candle Idea embedded in candles
Another seashell napkin ring Beautiful DIY
another seashell napkin ring Beautiful DIY
Another wind chimes DIY
Another wind chimes DIY

Seashell Wreaths Are A Growing Summer Trend

Seashell wreaths are a growing trend

This image and tutorial on how to make this beautiful wreath are here at
A pretty cool life blog

Perfect front door decorations for the summer. Collect shells on your vacation and use them all displayed for all to see on a beautiful wreath

DIY Seashell Wreaths Links

How to make a seashell wreath
How to make a seashell wreath (my romantic home)
Make a seashell wreath
Make a seashell wreath
clam shell wreath
clam shell wreath DIY
Seashell wreath
Seashell wreath
Seashell wreath crafts
Seashell wreath crafts
Happy Moms summertime seashell wreath
Happy Moms summertime seashell wreath
Great seashell squared wreath how too
great seashell squared wreath how too
Holiday Seashell wreath better homes and garden
holiday Seashell wreath better homes and garden
The thrifty craftier springtime wreath
the thrifty craftier springtime wreath

Fun DIY Kid Stuff

How about making a shell identification board for their wall or maybe decorate a memory box or book/journal with shells or check out these fun craft ideas and sites

Seashell Critters
Seashell Mobile
Painting sand dollars

Sites with multiple ideas
Mother nature network
Nature crafts
Disney family fun
Grandparents dot com seashell frame, necklace and more

Hunting for Seashells With Kids

When my niece came visiting at spring break, we took the opportunity to make it fun and educational with a trip to lighthouses and later, the beach to collect shells to make necklaces. You also can bring a book and identify the shells you find. Here we are on the hunt.

Cleaning Seashells

What would be the reason, when gathering seashells, to wash them right away. Well if you are carrying them about on vacation on planes or a hot car they will soon smell pretty bad. A 50% bleach and water mix will turn the shells almost white which make them very pretty for weddings and certain crafts, a 10 or 20 % bleach to water mixture may let them be a bit more natural looking and will pretty much work just as well, just let them soak until all algae and periostracum (the flaky covering that is on most live seashells) comes off. The bleach, of coarse, also helps with smell from inside the shells, and lets your shells shine.

How I Make Seashell Candles

I recycle wax regularly, you know how you have just a small bit at the bottom of those glass candle jars left after the wick has burned out. What I do is I half fill a small pot with water, let it come to a boil, and then turn it down to medium. I watch and let all the wax melt, I then make a new wick by dipping household string in the melted wax and soaking it. I then pour the melted wax into my new container, the seashell, and stand the new wick in the wax. I hold the wick in the center and in a minute it will stand on its own, and in 5 minutes your candle should have hardened enough that you can clean edges if needed and you have a beautiful seashell candle. I love using the old jars of wax because once i am done and emptied the wax, the heat also allows me to peal off the label easily, and now I have a beautiful jar and lid i can use for bath beads, or shells, or food treats, or gifts.

Wedding Wish Basket

A great wedding idea is to have guests, as they arrive, make a wish on a seashell and put it in a basket. You can either have them secret or you can have everyone write their wish on the shell and have someone read each wish in front as part of your ceremony. Here is our wish basket that we still display on our piano.

You can use shells to decorate bouquets, or veils, or candles. Shells and the beautiful ocean make lovely themes you can even buy candy or chocolate shells to decorate cakes.

I also use them for bath oil beads and soap 

Love shells here are some great gifts with shell photography